Jonathan Santos
Full-stack Web developer / Gamedev
![Pedir Comida PWA icon](/portfolio/assets/img/pedir-comida-pwa-0.png)
Pedir Comida PWA
Project I participated during my time in eComanda. Created with React and Typescript, my firest PWA
![Pague Zé icon](/portfolio/assets/img/pague-ze-0.png)
Pague Zé
Project I created with my team during the Megahack 5.0, done with React.js and CSS during the span of 3 days
![ icon](/portfolio/assets/img/jhow-io-0.png)
My personal website, created with pure HTML and CSS
![Pipoca Cafeinada icon](/portfolio/assets/img/pipoca-cafeinada-0.png)
Pipoca Cafeinada
My personal blog, built with Hexo.js and a theme created by me
![Wikijhow icon](/portfolio/assets/img/wikijhow-0.png)
My personal Wiki, built with Hexo.js and a theme created by me
![Portfolio Generator icon](/portfolio/assets/img/portfolio-generator-0.png)
Portfolio Generator
A project that generates a portfolio site for you! All generated from a single json file. Created using Eleventy
![Jhowflix icon](/portfolio/assets/img/jhowflix-0.png)
A simple clone of Netflix I created during the React Imersion from Alura
![Reclameet icon](/portfolio/assets/img/reclameet-0.png)
Simple Twitter copy made by me during in a couple of days. Made with pure HTML, CSS and JS + a simple server with Node.js and Express
![Landing Page BoardGames Brackers icon](/portfolio/assets/img/landing-page-boardgames-brackers-0.png)
Landing Page BoardGames Brackers
First landing page I've built, made during my time during the Mastertech Front-End bootcamp in 2018
![Bluehack Automachat Server icon](/portfolio/assets/img/servidor-bluehack-automachat-0.png)
Bluehack Automachat Server
My first server. Created with Node.js during the Angelhack 2017 in SP. Me and my team finished in 3rd
![Unicórnio Adivinha App icon](/portfolio/assets/img/unicornio-adivinha-app-0.webp)
Unicórnio Adivinha App
Android app made by me with React Native, with prototypig done with Figma. It can recognize the emotions of a person from a photo
![Unity FPS icon](/portfolio/assets/img/unity-fps-0.png)
Unity FPS
A simple FPS experiment I created with Unity for practice and classes
![Post processing experiment icon](/portfolio/assets/img/brincando-com-post-processing-0.png)
Post processing experiment
An experiment I built in Unity to learn more about lights and post processing
![Naval Battle icon](/portfolio/assets/img/batalha-naval-0.png)
Naval Battle
First big programming project I've done (and my first game), made with Java in ETEC Guaracy Silveira
![Tidy that room icon](/portfolio/assets/img/arruma-esse-quarto-0.png)
Tidy that room
Game I've built during my first Game jam, where I had only 3 hours to create a game from zero with the subject of 'short time'
![Flappy Bird Pong icon](/portfolio/assets/img/flappy-bird-pong-0.png)
Flappy Bird Pong
First HTML Canvas game I've created
![Canvasrama icon](/portfolio/assets/img/canvasrama-0.png)
I website I'm using to save my studies about computer graphics using HTML Canvas
![A-Frame experiment icon](/portfolio/assets/img/a-frame-primeiro-projeto-0.png)
A-Frame experiment
An A-Frame experiment I've created during a mini 1-hour hackaton during Campus Party SP 2017
![Stepping feet Illusion icon](/portfolio/assets/img/stepping-feet-illusion-0.png)
Stepping feet Illusion
Website illustrating the Stepping feet optic illusion
![Ludo icon](/portfolio/assets/img/ludo-0.png)
My first Computer Graphics project, made with Java during my time in ETEC Guaracy Silveira
![FPS Knight icon](/portfolio/assets/img/fps-knight-0.png)
FPS Knight
3D model of a character I created with MagicaVoxel to be used later in game development
![3D Coffe and Donut icon](/portfolio/assets/img/cafe-e-donut-0.png)
3D Coffe and Donut
A project in Blender I created to practice Blender in 2020
![Low Poly Car icon](/portfolio/assets/img/carro-low-poly-0.png)
Low Poly Car
Low poly Car 3D model created in 2020, created with Blender
![Caffeinated Popcorn icon](/portfolio/assets/img/icone-pipoca-cafeinada-0.png)
Caffeinated Popcorn
3D model of caffeinated popcorn, created in 2020 with Blender
![Spider Tank icon](/portfolio/assets/img/tanque-aranha-0.png)
Spider Tank
Spider Tank 3D model created in a 30 minutes challenge, created in 2019 with Blender